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Using dh_make

dh_make is a tool for quick-starting a new package.

Extract sourcecode

First you need to get and extract the original source code of your software.

$ wget
$ tar xf v2.6.2.tar.gz
$ mv icingaweb2-2.6.2 icingaweb2

Basically the extracted source tree can be named however you like, it is recommended to be either:

  1. source package name, without any version, like icingaweb2
  2. source package with version, in format <source>_<upstreamversion>, e.g. icingaweb2_2.6.2 (please note underscore)

Now we switch to this directory and run dh_make:

$ cd icingaweb2/
$ dh_make -p icingaweb2_2.6.2 -f ../v2.6.2.tar.gz
  • -p is necessary once here, when the directory is not in the <source>_<upstreamversion> format
  • -f tells dh_make where to find the original tarball

This leaves you with a collection of defaults and examples:

$ ls -R debian/
changelog  copyright       manpage.xml.ex  postrm.ex   README.Debian  source
compat     icingaweb2.cron.d.ex    manpage.1.ex          menu.ex         preinst.ex  README.source  watch.ex
control    icingaweb2.doc-base.EX  manpage.sgml.ex       postinst.ex     prerm.ex    rules


You should now browse the files and fill them with your information, and cleanup files you don't need!

In addition dh_make will copy the tarball to the .orig.tar.gz filename for Debian:

$ ls ../
icingaweb2  icingaweb2_2.6.2.orig.tar.gz  v2.6.2.tar.gz

Native packages

dh_make can also get you started with native packages, so no original tarball exists.

This is mainly useful when the debian/ directory will be included in the original sourcecode.

$ dh_make --native -p icingaweb2_2.6.2